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‘Key’ win for Arista in Appeals Court, but the fight continues

It’s seems Arista is one more step closer on closing the door with it’s battle with Cisco. As written by Tiernan Ray, reporter for Dow Jones, Arista gained a key victory from the Federal Circuit Appeals Courts.

Per the article: Arista Gains ‘Key’ Win Against Cisco in Appeals Court, Says Piper

Earlier this morning [February 14, 2018], the Federal Circuit Appeals Court affirmed the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB)’s prior June 1, 2017 ruling in favor of Arista as it relates to the 668 patent… Initially, the ITC judge had found that Arista’s solutions violated the 668 and 577 patents. The announcement from the Federal Appeals Court affirmed the PTAB’s ruling as it relates to the 668 patent but not the 577 patent at this point. Overall, this is a positive for Arista as it makes the coming determination from Judge McNamara to be found more likely in favor of Arista”

To read more on the details surrounding the litigation between Arista and Cisco, Arista publishes a legal summary on a continued basis to keep their customers and investors abreast of the proceedings:

In the coming months we’ll see how this all places out.

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