
Probably the easiest way to NOT to lose you’re CCIE! I’m giving it a try.

For those who have earned their Cisco CCIE certification through the rigorous task of going to a Cisco CCIE training class, then purchasing either rack time on places like INE.com or going to EBay and buying lab gear… then book studying for commands and configuration references. AND then the big day comes for the CCIE Practical and you’ve passed! Yay You!

You’ve spent almost 11 months to prepare, including hand-on at your job (like me), you pass and NOW you want a break, right? Well, you really can’t.  Cisco CCIE on last for two years from the date you passed.  And in a blink of an eye, you’re back studying in less than 6 months after you’ve achieved you goal.  Kind of stinks a bit.

I’m a 2x CCIE (R/S & DC) luckily for me I got my DC in the middle of my R/S tenure so I gained additional time, but nonetheless – I still have to recertify shortly.

With the dynamic play of work, home-life, and the rapidly changes in the IT Industry; spending hours studying is not working to my advantage as it did in the past.  I spent years working towards this accomplishment, twice, and I’m not about to lose them.

On the perspective on how you look at it – Cisco is offering Continued Education Credits towards your CCIE Recertification.

I came across a great article by Dean Armada which he posted on LinkedIn: How Not to Lose your CCIE – The Easier Way to Get Re-Certified!

It talks about his journey and the Cisco Continuing Education Program. After reading the article, I’m going to go down this path. Wish me Luck and Thanks Dean!

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